Happy vs. Content

Posted: Monday, April 19, 2010 by Unknown in Labels: ,

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  At a recent seminar that I spoke at, I had a very interesting talk with one of the attendees. In my speech that afternoon, I talked about setting goals and chasing your dreams, and then I touched briefly on the subject of “happiness.”  I referenced Abraham Lincoln’s quote, “most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be,” then spoke about finding joy in our daily lives.

After the seminar, a young man in his early twenty’s asked me an interesting question. “I liked your talk this afternoon," he said, "but how can I be happy if I haven’t reached my goals yet?” he asked.

This question is one I have heard repeated many times over the years and I believe it is really based on two separate issues…

Being Content
Being Happy.

Do you think there is a difference between being content and being happy? Do you think you can be happy but not content?

I do!

As a child, we often equate happiness with a future date or occasion. I will be happy when I can drive, when I turn 18, when I am out of school, or when I turn 21. For most it continues through our twenties and thirties, when I find a good job, start my own business, get married. It goes on through our life, when I have children, buy a house, become successful… and so on.  Through this process of "delayed happiness," I believe you miss out on much of your life.

Personally, I was one of the worst at this. My wife Tracey would often ask when I was younger, “Lance, what’s wrong? You seem upset.”  I would then usually complain about not achieving a goal or attaining something in my life. This was certainly a trap that I fell in.

As a business owner and speaker, I believe very strongly on moving forward in your life … Physically, Spiritually, Personally, Financially, and in your job or business. I believe that life is fluid, if you are not moving forward, then you will be going backward. But if your “happiness” is permanently linked with a personal goal or destination, I believe you will miss out on most of the joys in your life.

Personally, I told this young man, I am not content where I am in my life.  I have so many plans for myself, my family, and for my business. I have committed my life to them & when I die at 110, I hope they find me with a list of my dreams, a self help book, and my 10 year business plan. While I have yet to accomplish my lofty goals, I consider myself one of the happiest people alive.

Like Abraham Lincoln, I believe that it’s a decision and you will be as happy as you decide to be. Don’t believe me? Then ask yourself this; how many people do you know that have accomplished what you are chasing after and that aren't happy with their lives? I bet you can think of a few. Now think of someone who has much less than you, but seems to be happier. Can you think of a few? I can, I met such a person just the other day in Mexico. While he and his family live on less than $10 a day, he had some great stories and never stopped smiling.

My transformation to “the happiest guy I know” was a process. 
It started when I accepted the Lord into my life when I was in my twenties. Then it progressed as I started each day giving thanks for the blessings I have received. It continues today as I pass this message of gratitude and happiness on to others. 

So chase your dreams, set your goals, and be discontent with where you are at in your life…. 

But be HAPPY!

That's my take, what's yours?



  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Lance, this is a great reminder!

  1. Unknown says:

    You are welcome. Thanks for visiting my site.

  1. Great subject Lance! There's there's a BIG difference between Happy and Content. The first trap people fall into is the "I'll be happy when..." rather than I'm happy now with all I've been blessed with. This doesn't have to imply complacency. In fact, complacency is selfishness given so many need help in this world. Be happy, but pursue passions and goals that align with your values. In my opinion, deep contentment comes spiritually. Knowing that you have a purpose in the present and a place in Heaven for eternity.

  1. Tammy King says:

    Thanks for sharing, Lance. I was told that I was "born happy", and I usually always have a smile on my face. So its easy for me to be happy but at the same time I have wanted more out of life than just being happy. if you know what i mean. thanks for explaining that its ok to be happy and want more out of life.

  1. Unknown says:

    Great point Chuck... the happiest people I know are in full pursuit of their God-given purpose in life. Tammy, there is nothing wrong with "being born" happy :) Thanks for chiming in... :)