What are the Odds?

Posted: Friday, October 12, 2012 by Unknown in Labels: , , ,

Another Network Marketing Question I get all the time is this; "What are the odds that I will make it?" or "Why do only a small percentage of people make "real" money in Network Marketing?"

There are three things we need to understand for us to answer the "odds" question:
1. Most people that join us don't do anything. (Sorry, if you want a free ride this is the wrong industry for you... Buy a lottery ticket! And those of you in the industry that sell this as "something for nothing" need to stop it or get out.)
2. Not everyone who joins us wants to make millions a year. (Some want free products, some want to make hundreds a month & some want to make thousands)
3. Its really just a math equation. (In my company, someone with 100 people on their team will make around 50K a year. The math on that would show that only 1% of the distributors make a thousand a week, but that's not really the WHOLE truth...Most of the hundred are just consumers, some of the hundred are getting their product for free, some are making hundreds a week, and there are a handful of builders who are well on the way to having a hundred people on their team.)

Here is another way to look at it...
I am a member of a large fitness club in Southern California. While there are over 10,000 paying members at my club, at any given time there are only a hundred or so people actually working out. Of those 100, only a handful look like they could be featured in a fitness magazine.
So here is the BIG question... What are the odds that a NEW member can become one of the "chiseled" few? ( And timing, positioning, and who you know have nothing to do with it!)
Actually, the real question is this... "What are the odds that the new member will DO what it takes to become one of the FEW?"
Here is the truth about my gym:
* The majority of the members who aren't in the gym will have absolutely NO change and therefore will have no return on their money. (in our industry you will at least get great products)
* As long as they stay consistent, the people working out in the gym will change based on their effort and goals. ( More effort = More results )
* The few who make it a priority in their life, stay focused on their goals, & give it ALL they have will see the biggest change. (This is where champions are made!)
Anyone CAN, but few will DO...

And that my friends... Is our business!

It didn't work for them!

Posted: by Unknown in Labels: , , ,

In my twenty five years in the network marketing industry, the one comment I hear weekly is; "I have a _________  (friend, brother, neighbor, etc...) who got into "that" and didn't make it.

I can usually get a good shock out of them when I tell them that I agree. I know that better than anyone!
EVERYONE knows "someone" who got involved in Network Marketing and quit.... So what?  People have quit my gym, quit school, quit on their marriage, quit my church... The truth is, people quit everything! 

A close friend of mine decide one day that he would take up the game of golf. He spent over a thousand dollars on clubs and equipment and only went golfing ONE time. He got so mad that he went home and sold everything. When I decided to take up golf, my friends experience never even entered my mind... Why would I?
And the last thing I would ask for was his opinion on Golf...

Most people that quit anything really didn't fail, they actually quit before they ever got started. Success in our industry is actually pretty simple... You have to do enough of the right things.

Some people do enough, but not the right things.
Other’s do the right things, just not enough of them.
Do both and you WILL see results!     ツ