Should I stay or should I go?

Posted: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , , ,

Should I stay or should I go?

This is not only a song from one of my favorite 80's bands "The Clash," it's a question that we must ask ourselves on a regular basis.
You will often hear people say; "the only thing constant in life is change." 
While change is a fact of life, it doesn't mean you need to givie up or starting over every time something gets tough. 

As I work with people from all walks of life, one of the most concerning trends I have witnessed is the "disposable" attitude most people have about the most important aspects of their lives.  When things get difficult, people often give up on friends, marriages, careers, businesses, family, etc...  Nothing is safe. 
As I stated in an earlier post, "people quit everything."  I shake my head daily as I watch people sell themselves short or give up on the people around them.

To be clear, sometimes you need to make a change and begin again... but when?
I don't claim to have all the answers, but after working with people over the last 25 years, there is one thing that I am certain of... "Walking away and giving up should be your LAST resort...not your first."

Whenever I get upset at my current circumstances and want to make a change in my life, I always ask myself  two critical questions:
1. Am I in the right place? 
    Is this person, business, or relationship worth my time and effort, or am I wasting my time?
    More often than not, we are the weak link, so here is another way to look at it,
    If I was right would this be right?
2. Have I given it all I have? 
    You have to be honest on this one. Ask yourself this, if I was on my "A" game, would I have different    results than I have now... and have I given it enough time to see the results?
Most people don't quit, they just give up before they ever get good or see the results they want.

If you believe that you are not in the right place and you have given it your all, then maybe it is time for a change... But if you are in the right place and you haven't given your best, then I would stay put and get back to work!  Your "future" self will thank you for it....

That's my "take," what's yours?

What are the Odds?

Posted: Friday, October 12, 2012 by Unknown in Labels: , , ,

Another Network Marketing Question I get all the time is this; "What are the odds that I will make it?" or "Why do only a small percentage of people make "real" money in Network Marketing?"

There are three things we need to understand for us to answer the "odds" question:
1. Most people that join us don't do anything. (Sorry, if you want a free ride this is the wrong industry for you... Buy a lottery ticket! And those of you in the industry that sell this as "something for nothing" need to stop it or get out.)
2. Not everyone who joins us wants to make millions a year. (Some want free products, some want to make hundreds a month & some want to make thousands)
3. Its really just a math equation. (In my company, someone with 100 people on their team will make around 50K a year. The math on that would show that only 1% of the distributors make a thousand a week, but that's not really the WHOLE truth...Most of the hundred are just consumers, some of the hundred are getting their product for free, some are making hundreds a week, and there are a handful of builders who are well on the way to having a hundred people on their team.)

Here is another way to look at it...
I am a member of a large fitness club in Southern California. While there are over 10,000 paying members at my club, at any given time there are only a hundred or so people actually working out. Of those 100, only a handful look like they could be featured in a fitness magazine.
So here is the BIG question... What are the odds that a NEW member can become one of the "chiseled" few? ( And timing, positioning, and who you know have nothing to do with it!)
Actually, the real question is this... "What are the odds that the new member will DO what it takes to become one of the FEW?"
Here is the truth about my gym:
* The majority of the members who aren't in the gym will have absolutely NO change and therefore will have no return on their money. (in our industry you will at least get great products)
* As long as they stay consistent, the people working out in the gym will change based on their effort and goals. ( More effort = More results )
* The few who make it a priority in their life, stay focused on their goals, & give it ALL they have will see the biggest change. (This is where champions are made!)
Anyone CAN, but few will DO...

And that my friends... Is our business!

It didn't work for them!

Posted: by Unknown in Labels: , , ,

In my twenty five years in the network marketing industry, the one comment I hear weekly is; "I have a _________  (friend, brother, neighbor, etc...) who got into "that" and didn't make it.

I can usually get a good shock out of them when I tell them that I agree. I know that better than anyone!
EVERYONE knows "someone" who got involved in Network Marketing and quit.... So what?  People have quit my gym, quit school, quit on their marriage, quit my church... The truth is, people quit everything! 

A close friend of mine decide one day that he would take up the game of golf. He spent over a thousand dollars on clubs and equipment and only went golfing ONE time. He got so mad that he went home and sold everything. When I decided to take up golf, my friends experience never even entered my mind... Why would I?
And the last thing I would ask for was his opinion on Golf...

Most people that quit anything really didn't fail, they actually quit before they ever got started. Success in our industry is actually pretty simple... You have to do enough of the right things.

Some people do enough, but not the right things.
Other’s do the right things, just not enough of them.
Do both and you WILL see results!     ツ

How to apologize like a man

Posted: Monday, August 20, 2012 by Unknown in Labels: , , , ,

There will come a time in every man’s life when things don't go his way. This is the reality of life, and I can tell that it’s naive to think that you will always be right or that you will always find yourself on the winning end. You won't, so deal with it. This is especially true if you are a leader involved in a lot of people’s lives. Sometimes you will get the chance to say “I told you so,” other times you will “get” to hear it.
If you are the guilty party, the only real choice you have is to be a man and face the music.  A real man is one who can face up to his mistakes and learn something from them so that he never repeats them.

So the question is, when is it OK to admit you're wrong? Although this question has puzzled men for centuries, the answer is quite simple: when you're wrong.
Where we get a glimpse into character is watching the way a person admits their mistakes ( if they do so at all ) , if they take full responsibility, and then what they are doing to clean up the mess. I have found that when good men make mistakes, they own up to them and get to work fixing them as best they can, even if it hurts. This takes character, integrity and a greater desire to be good, rather than simply to look good.

I know that many of you are probably thinking, “Isn't admitting defeat a bit like quitting?”
The answer to this question is no. In fact, it couldn't be further from quitting.  Let me explain;
For those of you that know me, you know that I am an optimist and that I hate to lose. I never, under any circumstances say, “What should I do now?” or “Hopefully I'll do better next time.” This type of attitude is weak and lacks vision. However, one shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge defeat either. You see, a real man has the ability to stand up tall and admit that he’s wrong. But, accepting defeat is not the same as admitting defeat. I don't believe that, as a man, you should ever accept defeat. The only thing worse is a man that acts like he is a victim and then defers the blame. A "Never Give Up" mentality is what separates winners from its losers. The ability to swallow your pride after making a mistake shows strength and can begin the process of forgiveness.  
With the right attitude, even losing can make you a stronger and better man.

Finally, if you have a friend or leader who has made an error and is now stepping up, offer them understanding and forgiveness... Lord knows that it could be any of us the next time.

Lance Smith

12 Million Dollar Lessons - How to achieve long term financial freedom through Network Marketing ( Overview )

Posted: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 by Unknown in

In case we haven't met, let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Lance Smith and I live in Southern California with my wife Tracey & our four children. 

I am a personal coach, a loving husband / father, an avid fisherman, an atrocious golfer, and a successful entrepreneur
for over half of my life.

From the time I was twenty, I decided that a 9 to 5 job was not an option for me. There is so much to do in life and I couldn't see my wife and I going to work every day. I spent my early 20's "looking" for a way out.

After a lengthy review of my options, I decided to pursue a future in the Network Marketing/Community Commerce Industry.  With its simple entry, relatively small overhead, and low initial start up fees, it was a perfect match for me.

Contrary to what some may think, I didn't see this opportunity as a "get-rich-quick" idea.  I ran the numbers and realized that while it would take effort, I could see measurable results in a comparatively short period of time when measured against a traditional business.
What I didn't realize was how well it could work!

By the time I was twenty three, I had secured a large six figure residual income, and by twenty seven I was a multi-millionaire. Over the next few years I accomplished most of my financial dreams and goals and helped many of my friends, family, and partners do the same.

Recently, a top industry website listed Tracey and I as one of the top lifetime earners in our field. I don't tell you this to say, "look at me." The truth is, I have been surrounded by some amazing team mates and mentors over the last 25 years. I show this to those of you who don't know me to let you know that what I am saying below is not a theory. I understand the Network Marketing industry as well as anyone. I know what it takes to make it grow, I know what it takes to make it last, and I also know what people do to mess it up. 


( Disclaimer... I blocked out the name of my current company for two reasons. First, the income total came from two separate companies and the author of the blog only included my current one. Secondly, as an advocate for my industry,  I also don't want anyone reading this blog or my  e-book to question my motives. My single objective is to see more people win in this industry regardless of what company they are partnered with.)

To say that "I love my industry" would be an understatement. Like anything else, it does have it's challenges... but after 25 years, I have still not met someone doing something for a living that I would rather do. 
Unfortunately, the success we have had is an uncommon one. I meet people on a daily basis that say things like "I was in that for a while and never made it" or "I tried that once and it didn't work for me." 

For this reason, I have decided to write an e-book on the lessons I have learned along the way. I realize that there are dozens of books out there on the subject, but most are written by outsiders or people that have had limited success in the industry.

Over the next few months I will be blogging the chapters here on this site.
Once completed,  I will combine the posts into an e-book format. I would also ask you to be a little patient with me in this process. I have spent 25 years as a speaker and writing doesn't come naturally to me. My blogs will be a little rough but I will hire a professional to clean up my final copy.

The "tentative" title for my book is 12 Million Dollar Lessons. It will contain twelve individual lessons that made me a million dollars each and the "syndromes" or pitfalls that I have witnessed over my 25 year career. Finally, as I go through this process, please give me your input. I am all ears and would like this to be a tool to advance our industry as well as your business.

God Bless,

Lance Smith


Here is a "rough" outline 

Twelve “Million Dollar” Lessons

1.      You are the “Trailer,” not the “Movie.”  
        A system based business is better than a superstar based business.
    2.      Copy Cat  
               It’s not what works, it’s what duplicates 
    3.      I Do 
                  It’s a Marriage, not a one night stand.
    4.      Follow me 
              Everything rises and falls on leadership

   5.      Let’s Make some money 
               There are only four income generating activities.
   6.      They have to like you
              Sponsoring someone vs sponsoring someone for someone
   7.      I am in
               The difference between sponsoring someone and getting them in.
   8.      Stuck with you 
                What gets them in vs what keeps them in
   9.      Sell out.
                 Groups don’t get better when you leave them
  10.   Attention everyone! 
  11.   Edification
  12.   Toss the potato 
          Empowering the leaders around you.

* Shiny object Syndrome
* The "Robert Dean" Syndrome
* The "burn down the house, kill the spouse, & take the kids" syndrome
* "It's all me" Syndrome.
* The "Ground Floor" syndrome
*  and more to come....