21 things to remember about life!
Posted: Monday, April 5, 2010 by Unknown in Labels: Happiness, Success, Truth
- No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission.
- Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be.
- Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently.
- Whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.
- Success stops when you do.
- When your ship comes in...make sure you are willing to unload it.
- You will never "have it all together."
- Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip!
- The biggest lie on the planet: "When I get what I want, I will be happy."
- The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
- I've learned that ultimately TAKERS lose and GIVERS win.
- Life`s precious moments don't have value, unless they are shared.
- If you don't start, it's certain you won't arrive.
- We often fear the thing we want the most.
- He or she who laughs.....lasts.
- Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
- Look for opportunities...not guarantees.
- Life is what`s coming...not what was.
- Success is getting up one more time.
- Now is the most interesting time of all.
- When things go wrong....don't go with them.