It's not about the "What," It's about the "Why!"

Posted: Friday, May 7, 2010 by Unknown in Labels: , ,

Everyone is "busy" ... Busy with our families, busy with our work, our businesses, & busy with our lives.
Yet some people just seem to be knocking it out of the park in everything they do while others seem like they are barely holding on.

What's the difference?

Sure, there is the financial angle we could discuss, the spiritual angle too,  or even the mental angle could come into question here.  But I want to take this in a different direction ...

When it comes to our daily routine in business and in life,
Everyone knows "what to do,"  but most people don't focus on "why" they are doing it.

...Once there were 3 bricklayers. Each one of them was asked what they were doing.

The first man answered gruffly,
"I'm laying bricks."

The second man replied,
"I'm putting up a wall."

But the third man said enthusiastically and with pride,
"I'm building a cathedral."

My question for you is this, what are you doing everyday?
Just "laying bricks," or are you "building" something incredible?

What ever role you play in life or business, people don't buy into people/companies that just know "what to do," they buy into people/businesses that know "why" they are doing it!

That's my "Take," what's yours?


Here is a great clip from Simon Sinek that hammers home this point.


  1. Tracey Smith says:

    This is incredible!

  1. Unknown says:

    Great information!

  1. Unknown says:
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow this was great! Thanks

  1. Kevin Romanko says:

    Start every day with your "Why" and a day will never be wasted.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks Lance for taking the time to do something meaningful. This is one of the best I have seen with content and substance.
    jas50 from Twitter,
    james smart

  1. Anonymous says:

    Lance, Where did you find this ?
    It is EXACTLY what I need to be focusing on . . .
    Thank you, Sir !
    God Bless,
    Gary Libby

  1. Unknown says:

    Thanks Gary,

    I sure appreciate your kind words and friendship!
    I watch TED videos all the time while on the treadmill at the gym.
    Some are way out there, but others like this nail it!

    God Bless,

  1. RussRamey6 says:

    Great piece Lance, from networking to the ministry...RussRamey6