Don't Focus on the Bug Guts!

Posted: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 by Unknown in Labels: , , , , , ,

Last week I had a conversation with a good friend which became awkward after fifteen minutes or so. My friend has an amazing family and career and it was like he was trying his hardest to find the problems in his life in spite of his good fortune. It reminded of a speech I did years ago on focus.

One summer I decided to take my family cross-country in our first motorhome. On the third day we drove from Utah into Colorado and came across one of the prettiest valleys we had ever seen. The surrounding mountaintops were covered with snow and had pine trees as far as you could see. The valley was full of color with a dozen different flowers that were in bloom and there was a crystal clear river winding back and forth from the freeway to the base of the mountains.

As I drove down into this breathtaking valley a bug hit the lower left corner of my windshield followed by a second right beside it. They both left a pretty big marks and along with the normal yellow color they seemed to have mixed in a little green and red. In fact one of them, I recall, looked like it was taking the shape of Florida as it spread across the corner of my windshield.

About that time I heard Tracey scream my name and I looked up just in time to recover from almost driving off the side of the freeway. As I caught my breath I realized that in the midst of one of the most beautiful places in the world I almost lost everything... Why? Because rather than looking at all the amazing things around me I was off staring at the “Bug Guts.”

That story later became a CD as well as a metaphor for our family when we lose sight of our blessing and focus on the problems. When we take our eye off of where we are going and get distracted by the hurts of the past.

So today, ask yourself: "What are the “bug guts” in my life?"
What are you focusing on that could cost you everything? What are you constantly thinking about that you need to put behind you? Then do it!

As I often post here… Life is Beautiful!

Carry on… ツ